Kid Designed, Kid Approved
Let your kids take a bath with Armstrong, Joe Cool Bear or the
Pelican Party! These are some of the charming TubLand characters that appear on our shower
curtains designed especially for kids. Your kids will find getting into the tub even more
fun with three pockets full of bath toys built right into the curtains.
What a
great way to store toys! Each pocket is made of sturdy mesh so that wet toys can dry
neatly right over the bath.
SAFER, too! We've found that kids are less likely to stand up in the tub and stretch for
toys out of their reach. Now they only have to reach into their pockets.
Wish we had TubLand when we were kids!

"I hope every child gets a chance to turn
their bath into some fun."
for Suzanne!
Suzanne Henn loves kids. It's a good thing because she's
a toy inventor and consultant who has made her career at leading toy makers in the U.S.
When she realized that kids should find bathing more fun, this lovely lady launched
TubLand.Her first invention is the unique pocketed shower
curtain. Because of her expertise, she has made sure her curtains are quality-constructed,
durable, and because she loves Moms, too -- easy to maintain. You can wait to see them in
a store... or order curtains and other TubLand products right here.
You'll love 'em!
order by phone, call 312-337-2010, or email webmaster@tubland.com.
� 1998 Legacy Diecast Models |